Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Jessica Alba's fifteen minutes.

Today I got the average fixed gear rider's equivalent to an anonymous love letter. Scraggled in your typical Dad font in capital lettering across a 'Suggestions ou Commentaires' sheet from Mountain Equipment Co-op, was a simple note folded up and woven into the spokes of my back wheel. It made my day. Made my year. Maybe even made my life. I am a cyclist and this love letter set that fact in stone for yours truly. I wish a million shooting stars that I had a scanner.

Either way, as you can see below (brought to you by Apple) it read: LOOKED GOOD ON FGG. I beamed. If you don't know what FGG is, sorry, do your homework. I had to when I started this relationship with my bicycle months ago. Too bad that I ruined any and all street credit by mounting my bicycle after working at the store in the Exchange wearing towering four inch heels. There goes my reputation. A lady on a fixy wearing heels? SACRILEGE. Oh well. I was psyched.

I love you Jessica Alba, you are my best friend.


queensofmachupicchu said...

Too much stripe, Madge. Too much stripe.

Stefanie said...

I'm so proud!