Sunday, December 28, 2008

Yukon dreaming.

Hand me a toque, hand me a pair of skis, hand me a plane ticket, hand me the Yukon.

I wish I was in Whitehorse right nowwwwwwwwwwwwwww, skiing with these turds in their pristine back yard: Sam, Zig, Meesh, Dano and Leslie. Jerks. I was content in my warm and modest home until I laid eyes on these photos taken on Christmas day. These turds I speak of are my cousins, pictured in the bottom photo (Sam and Ziggy) and I haven't hung out with them in a few years save for a few too-short visits the odd summer. NOT ENOUGH. I miss them. And now, looking at these my need to go to them has just been set in stone. Based on the pictures alone, I am just about ready to pack my bags, box up my belongings and get the hell out of town. Homegirl needs a buddy pass. Homegirl needs a money tree. Homegirl needs a sugar daddy.

Dying slowly of jealousy. I hate you guys for posting this jazz.
Discontent today, Madge.

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