Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Fast times.

I wish I had this. Two people inside a giant sweater, top bun peaking out, good worn-in boyfriend jeans/belt, washing machine in the kitchen, lover in stripes. The whole nine yards. All that jazz. I want it.

Today has been busy and is going to get busier. Woke up at 5:30 to make tea and get out the door to open the bakery in time. Made two deliveries before nine, came back, drank a cup of coffee, shot the shit with my favorite customers: Bunny (who is a 70 year old man) and Margaret (84 year old knobbly knuckled Jew who is spry as a spring chicken) at the round table on my fifteen. Then came home, drove all over the city with Yannick to look for the perfect reading chair. Found the perfect reading chair on the opposite end of the city but couldn't fit it and the matching bird-of-paradise covered hassock into the car. Drove home frowning, warmed up the leftover taco's from last night's dinner and watched parts 3-8 of the Secret Garden on youtube. Exciting. My lady Michelle Hooey is coming at three for a lesson in simple bicycle maintenance and then it is off to our printmaking class at Martha street studio. After class, I am zipping to The Tallest Poppy for Meg's goodbye party and then am meeting Janessa at the University to print photos. Holy. The entire week is shaping up to be the same pace. Breakneck. My favorite pace of all.

Gotta run, wash the dishes and then the floor. If you find any handsome devils in striped shirts, send them my direction.

Left wanting, Margaret.

post script: photo jacked from The Selby. I don't know how to link websites. Can someone please enlighten me? Thanks.


leigh said...

it sure is

Rebecca said...

THAT PHOTO. yowza. kill me now.

greta said...

hieeeee. printmaking? who's your teacher at Martha street?

queensofmachupicchu said...

My teacher is Justin Ludwar; he is brilliant. Who are you my dear?

Best, Megan.