Thursday, June 12, 2008

Gone with the wind.

I just got home from my first Spin class. Sambeth was there, that was a treat. I have never grunted that much in front of a class of perfect strangers before. It was satisfying. It is funny, before this class (at Moksha) I thought I knew intense exercise as a long distance runner and semi new cyclist, but NO way José. That was mental.

Lauren Swan took the first photo a few weeks ago after a group breakfast/bike rally at Don Deli. I am psyched on it and thought it was 'Queens' worthy. The second photo is of Lauren herself, who is a pretty amazing lady. Third comes Katie Kidder. The solid name suits her solid personality and ability to apply red lipstick. Fourth is a photograph taken of Yosh, a connoisseur of the Right On. Fifth is a shot of my friend Taylor's waist. Lastly is a photograph of my mother taken in the country at the dining room table of my childhood. She is so beautiful, I am glad she is my mother.

I am currently listening to Bonnie 'Prince Billy and am in awe. "I am the king of infinite space". There is a bowl of poverty noodles/hamburger/last of anything edible in my home, in my lap and a smile on my face. Spin class, you got me beat!

"Papa taught me 'oft and long", Madge.


Dick said...

you should do photo captions

i like that

but i really like your blog

and your photos

and you


Chris Eff said...

megan your blog and your photos are breathtaking. keep it up!

-chris eff

Brittany said...

don deli and i have the largest of love affairs.