Here is yet another batch of Eurotrash/Suisse pictures with which I am mildly satisfied. Plans with the baby Pinhole camera are coming along swimmingly. I went to Photo Central over the weekend and picked up some 120-100 T-max film and am ready to get outside to start shooting. I am experiencing genuine joy today. I was nice to sit on the patio at my neighborhood haunt; drink coffee, watch my skinny boy friends drink giant Hoegaarten's with single handed ease, laugh in good company, bike in good company, bike alone. Goodness abounds.
Still resisting the urge to flap, Madge.
Post Script: I thought these were neat.
a) Esprit de corps |eˌsprē də ˈkôr|
noun: a feeling of pride, fellowship, and common loyalty shared by the members of a particular group.
ORIGIN late 18th cent.: French, literally ‘spirit of the body.’
b) Esprit de l'escalier |eˌsprē dəˌleskalˈyā|
noun: used to refer to the fact that a witty remark or retort often comes to mind after the opportunity to make it has passed.
ORIGIN early 20th cent.: French, literally ‘wit of the staircase.’
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