Tuesday, August 28, 2007

This is forever; oh bah nay.

This post is a collection of shots over the span of the last two weeks. A date with Kitty to the Underground Cafe; a visit to my hometown and the building that ALMOST claimed my dear dad's life (close, but no cigar PTL); a mum, a dad; a skate competition at the Plaza featuring Wren, Sea Bass (Cara), Yosh, Tris, Paul, Bram, Sam, Amy, James and Chris; and one very scandalous wedding with the Zachs. Enjoy. (Photos are 'acomin'). Patience is a virtue.

(More to commmmmmme [comme si, comme ca]).


- said...

lets get some photos flooooowin' darlin'!

honestly though, anytime, come over whenever you want. you should get some keeeeys...zach already has a set, haha.

Nikaela said...

ich liebe dich



and however you say i love you in dutch too. xo ox xx ox xx o